Page name: Town of Forever rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-07-21 12:39:59
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Edge of Forever
The Town of Forever.

the smell of dust, booze and gun powder are in the air. The dusty streets are busy, but everyone seems tence as if a battle will take place at any moment, which it most likely will.


The saloon

The brothel aka strip bar

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2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestrel walked out of the inn she had been staying in, she looked outside at the people.So different from home. She thought as a breeze blew her dark brown hair across her face, she moved the hair out of her face as she walked to the saloon.[she wearing the clothes in her proflie pic]

Mimi was smiling as she walked over to a blackjack table to give four gentlmen there gin.[she wearing the clothes in her proflie pic]

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack pulled his scarf up his face a little further and adjusted his goggles as he walked into town, a sand storm was blowing in behind him.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestrel walked into the saloon and up to the bar, she nodded to the barmaid and ordered herself a whiskey.

Mimi gave the genltmen their drinks and seh walked over to the bar with a smile.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack entered the nearest shelter, the saloon and removed his cloak, scarf and goggles.

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat was at the bar serving out drinks she stood there glass in hand polishing it with a rag watching the patrons.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack moved through the busy saloon and sat at the bar, resting his sword near his leg.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestrel thanked the barmaid with a nod as she paid the girl. She took her drink and walked over to a empty table and sat down.

Mimi laughed at some comments of the men that where there.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck wonders into the bar with a wicked mean grin look on his face has he walked his way to the bar.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack stayed wear he was as he heard Luck approach, his spokes giving him away.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi noticed Luck.Not good. I bet theres going to be a fight. She thought.

Kestrel looked over at Luck, she noticed his sword.Intersting. She thought.

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat walked over to Jack "what can i get ya?"

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: "Milk please" Jack said quietly looking down at the bar.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck looked over at Jack and smirked has he leaned against the bar for a drink.

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat nodded pouring Jack a glass of Milk setting it down in front of him "here ya go" she looked at Luck "what can i get you?"

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack drank the milk, gulping it down quickly.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi walked to some empty tables and she cleared away some glasses and carried them to the bar.

Kestrel looked over and saw Jack, she noticed that he too had a sword.Very intersting. She thought.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "A beer" Luck told Kat has he contiuned to stare jack down with a mean grin. "Dont drink to quickly you might choke, heh"

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack ignored him and set the glass down "How much do I owe you miss?"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi looked at Luck as she put the tray on the bar."Table 5 wants a round of gin." She said to Kat as she looked at her.

Kestrel sipped the whiskey as she kept on hand on her sword.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Cant you speak?" Luck smirked.

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat nodded pouring luck a beer. She smiled at Mimi "alright give gins" she chuckled as she poured "and as for the milk its just milk so just a dollar"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi chuckled a little but she was a little nervous around Luck.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack nodded and opened his pouch, revealing a lot of money, he fished out three dollars "A tip" he said

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat smiled "dont worry mimi if he lays one hand on you i'll take the barrel of gun shove it up his ass and pull the damn trigger and he knows it" she smiled "well thank ya kindly sir" she took the three dollars "hopefully we'll see ya again in here"

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck down his drink and got up and walked over to Jack. "Its rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi giggled at Kat's comment."Your such a sweetheart, Kat." She took the tray of gin and she looked over at Luck."And it's rude to insult someone you know, Luck." She snapped at him then she walked over to table five.

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat chuckled lightly

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack grabbed his sword calmly and slammed the sheathed blade loudly on the bar "It is also rude to go outside without bathing, judging from you aroma you havent done that recently."

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi laughed at Jack's comment."very nice."

Kestrel cracked a smile at Jack's comment.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck chuckled and smirked has he looked over at Jack's sword. "Ha you may have a point swordsman"

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack stood up and bowed to Kat "Thank you for the drink" he turned and began walking for the door.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestrel watched Jack head for the door as she downed her whiskey.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck pulled his gun out and held his arm up in front of jack. "Guns are much better, swordsman"

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: "I prefer a weapon that doesnt need to reload" Jack said glancing at Luck, his hand tightening on his sword.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestral frowned a little as she slowly pulled out the dagger that was strapped to her thigh.She would help Jack if he needed it.

Mimi had given the men at table 5 there drinks but as she turned around she saw Luck pull his gun out at Jack."Oh no."

2010-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kat smiled "welcome" she nodded.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Ah good point im sure, but it doesnt seem i truly care, swordsman" Luck smirked has he pulled out the other gun. "Guns are quicker if you know how to use one"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "But also better to know how many swordsman you are facing, sir." Kestrel said softly as she walked over to him with a dagger in her hand.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: "Also, I dont like a weapon the will cause collateral damage" Jack said. He glanced at Kestral as she approached.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestrel glanced over at Jack and nodded a little then she looked back over at Luck.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Little girl do you think i would fear a swordsman and his little sidekick" Luck smirked has tilted his head slightly to look at her. "There aint no fun if no one gets hurt, swordsman"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestral narrowed her eyes just a little at Luck."I see you have no honer, sir."

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: "I agree" Jack pointed his sword handle down and unsheathed it, the pommel slamming hard into Lucks toes.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck gritted his teeth. "That hurt asshole" Luck jumped has has shot at Jack's shoulder.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestral threw her dagger at the bullet and the bullet was delfied.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack sheathed his blade calmly "If you want revenge, tommorow at 12 noon, meet me outside"

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Your a talented sidekick I see" Luck smirked and then looked to Jack. "Revenge? You are sadly mistaken and why not fight me now swordsman?"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestral stood there watching and waiting.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: "Because, this place isnt large enough, also its to crowded and outside well" he pointed the sand strom now blindingly thick "Unless you want to fight like blind men we have to wait."

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "I could care less about a crowded room, but if you insist on waiting then so be it, swordsman" Luck smirked then looked to Kestral with a grin. "I must say you are very cute, sidekick"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "You touch me and I'll show you want I can really do with a sword." Kestral snapped as she walked over to get her dagger that was on the floor by the bar.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack sighed ad replaced his word in his belt.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Now now sidekick that was cute and dont worry i wont touch you...yet.Luck grinned has he mumble the last word.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestral picked up her dagger and strapped it to her thigh again as she payed no notice to Luck.

2010-07-21 [Strawboy]: Jack bowed to Kestral "Thank you for your help Miss" he looked at Luck and bowed, though only very little "Tommorow at 12 noon" he turned and exited into the sand storm
[gotta go unfortunately]

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck nodded and chuckled has he put his guns away. "Smooth sidekick" Luck leaned back against the bar.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kestral bowed back to Jack then she walked over to the table she had been sitting at. She sat back down and she patted her sword gently.

Mimi walked over to Kestral's table."What can I get you?"

"Whiskey." Kestral said softly and Mimi nodded and walked to the bar to get kestral's drink.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck looked around the bar has he relaxed.

Blake jogged into the bar has dusted the sand from his hair. "Thats one mean sandstorm"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi hummed as she got Kestral her whiskey, she looked at Luck."What can I get you, Luck?"

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Hey Mimi. And make it another beer" Luck nodded.

Blake sat down at a table and leaned back in his chair. "This town seems different"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Sure but you know that was mean what you did to those travlers, Luck." She said as she got him a beer.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "I know I know, but i was so bored and well" Luck nodded.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "And well what?" She asked as she gave him his beer. She gave one of the waitress's Kestral's whiskey.

Kestral thanked the waitress when she gave her her whiskey.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "You know i am when i get bored, Mimi" Luck chuckled has he sipped his drink.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yeah you like to cause trouble." She sighed and shook her head a little.

Kestral sipped her whiskey as she ketp her head down but her sences open.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "I'll try to be better for you Mimi" Luck smiled has he downed a little more of his beer.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi snorted and rolled her eyes."Sure you will." She said as she dryed a glass.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Well only when im around you, heh" Luck nodded and downed the rest of the drink.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I'm sure." She rolled her dark blue eyes again as she dryed the glass.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Im not lieing. And besides you know i cant lie to you and your eyes always see right through them" Luck smiled.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi looked at Luck."maybe they can."

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck chuckled. "Indeed so. Thoses dark blue eyes of yours are beautiful"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Nice try, Luck but sweet taking me won't work."Mimi said as she looked down and put the glass down.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Heh Im not trying anything, Mimi." Luck chuckled.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Riiiiggghttt." She said as she wipped down the bar.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck chuckled has he got up and set his glass on the bar. "Im not, really"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi picked up his glass and washed it."Just leave that couple of swordsman alone, Luck." she said as she looked at him.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Oh okay, Mimi if you insist" Luck smiled.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi sighed."You could at least of lied a little better than that, Luck."

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck chuckled. "See Mimi I cant lie to you. Its just impossible"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "And what is the point of talking to me when you lie to me?" Mimi asked as she looked him in the eyes

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Because i like you and i dont lie to you it was just this time and guess what you saw right through it" Luck smiled.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi shook her head and said nothing.

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck frowned. "Im sorry, Mimi"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mimi looked at him slowly."Did you just say you where sorry?"

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck looked at her. "Uh... no"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Riiiighhhtt." Mimi chuckled

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "Your the first person to get me to say that" Luck chuckled.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Really?"Mimi asked

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: Luck rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "Yes really"

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Wow." She was shocked that she maded him say sorry

2010-07-21 [ArtworkA]: "You seem surpised" Luck said curiously.

2010-07-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I am surpised because the Luck I know never says sorry to anyone." Mimi said as she put her hands on her hips.

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